Tuesday, April 13, 2010

coming out of hibernation

So my 30-day-shred turned out to be more of a 90-day-slump, to say the least. The fact of the matter is I just really dislike 1.) workout videos 2.) working out indoors 3.)trying to pretend I'm coordinated when clearly I am not. The only exception to this would possibly be a Yoga DVD that I enjoy called Yoga for Wimps. I'd actually really recommend it if you are interested in giving yoga a try for the workout but aren't really interested in the meditative side of it. I thought for a while that I had misplaced my copy and was frantically searching for it in the usual and not so usual hiding places. Turns up it was on the shelf right by our tv, a clue that it may be time to declutter. Anyways, I've been getting the itch to get back to running over the last few weeks. I'm not sure if it's been the extra stresses of the past month or so or if it's just that the days are getting longer and the air is sweet and enticing with the arrival of spring but all i want to do is get out and go. ANYWHERE. I find myself looking forward to a summer full of days spent on picnics at the park and bikerides and trips to the beach.

Last night I took the plunge and started the Couch-to-5k training. It felt really good to push myself at something and have some me time. I surprised myself actually. One, because i went out complete by myslef, two that i ran dispite the fact that there was a large group of teenage boys hanging out beside the track (something I've always found intimidating), and three that I was able run even more than i was anticipating and it felt great. I can't wait to get out again.


  1. I so would have gone with you!!! :)
    I hate running while people are watching, too, especially "kids"...

  2. ah that would be awesome if we could be running buddies! yes i really hate running infront of people i just tried really hard not to notice they were there and focus on the music ;)
